So today we caught wind that Google’s latest Chrome browser (version 56) will be released sometime on or around January 31st 2017. There is a significant change in the way it displays websites that are not using HTTPS, also known as SSL. Starting with this release, any website NOT secured with an SSL will start displaying a “Not Secure” message in the address bar on pages that collect data (contact forms, passwords, etc). This change may confuse your site visitors or surprise you if you are not expecting it.
keep reading... →Hey everyone! For the next 39 days MultiCOLOR Media is offering 500 FREE Business Cards to anyone and everyone! YES, you did read that correctly! Buy 500 2-Sided Full Color Glossy Business Cards for ONLY $39 and YOU WILL GET an additional 500 Cards absolutely FREE! If that wasn’t enough, we are also including FREE SHIPPING. This is just our way of saying thanks for your business! To order, contact us today! Mention this offer to
keep reading... →Recently it was discovered that WordPress has had several new vulnerabilities that potentially affect 1,000 of themes and plugins, and we are urging all customers to get their websites updated / protected IMMEDIATELY to protect themselves from attacks. One of the specific vulnerabilities is due to a very common practice in writing the code for themes/plugins. This does not mean that your website or plugins were poorly made, it just means hackers are that good and found
keep reading... →So now you’ve done your research homework and made some calls and booked consults with at least 3 or 4 designers. Now you need to make a list on what you will ask at the consultation. You can make this list anyway that you feel comfortable. On your iPad, in MS Word, on paper. You will need to jot down their answers so you can remember them since you will be sitting down with several
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